
Thoughts, a diary... things I don't think people read anymore. (Which is good for me.)

Thursday, May 26, 2011

"There's nothing wrong with that."

You know, I could totally write about some deep and meaningful, depressing-as-hell topic, but you know what I choose to talk about this time? You know what, or rather, who, always gets my hopes up, brings back my faith in myself and the world around me? Who makes me feel normal, that I can own whatever challenge rolls my way? - who always ends up making me smile with her awesomeness, with her passion for life, and with her "F*** you all, I'm gonna have fun and wreck hell!" attitude and mentality?

Lady f***ing Gaga.

So, I'm watching America's Best Dance Crew (ABDC) right now, and it's centered around Lady Gaga's music and her music videos. This is probably because there is a Gaga special on later tonight, ranging from her beginnings to now. You all have no idea how excited I am. I cannot tell a lie (ok yeah that's a damned lie right there, my face gives me away anyway), but I freaking love Lady Gaga. I cannot even fathom the depths of my extreme "like" for her. Like...oh my gawd I'm freaking out trying to talk about it now.

*recollects self*

A lot of people don't like Lady Gaga, her music, her style, the whole nine yards. But, in all reality, the main reason we don't like something is because we find it a threat to our normality, our...comfort bubble (take Justin Bieber as a prime example. He really is of the male race - I know right? His extremely girly voice is just not..."normal".) Ha. Anyway. She makes me feel comfortable with my weirdness, and my eccentricities. I don't follow the "norm". As well, her music uplifts something within my soul. Listening to her music actually got me through some hard times - family issues, and all that depressing jazz that shouldn't be reiterated. She makes me feel liberated, and in all honesty, she just makes me want to...just dance. She makes my brown eyes water. She makes me want to travel to a hot beach, snag a summer boy named Alejandro, or go clubbing in San Francisco and find a disco heaven. She makes me fear Judas, drink a bloody mary, and brush my hair while running on the edge of glory.

Ha, ok I'm done with that :P

There aren't a lot of things I'd say I'm "dedicated" in (well that sounds bad), but Gaga is one of them. Yo, I even spent all of my bank funds on getting front row to her Monster Ball concert in San Jose last August. And I tell you all, it was frackin' bad-ass. It was like a damned Rock Opera with a giant-ass Fame Monster Fish-thing and it was extremely wtfffff but extremely AHHHH LADY GAGAAAAAA! She is, besides my mother, my primary role model. I aspire to be like Lady Gaga - no, I don't aspire to dress like a crazy-ass *genius* bitch, or wear some gnar wigs and run around in my lingerie (not that I have any, dayum), but I want to show my true colors, without feeling ashamed of myself.

And, ya know, I'm sure I'll make a difference. I wish to be innovative, I wish to be great. The fame isn't physical, it's spiritual. I already am famous, it's just my job to utilize how I feel and how I perceive myself to use it in life, and change lives just how Gaga changed mine. I mean, hell, I may be a crazy betch, but it takes a helluva lot to achieve Gaga's crazy-ass betch-ness.

AHHHHHH ok well the Gaga documentary is on now. SO IMMA GO FANGIRL SQUEE NOW.

[Reason for title: my mom's boyfriend replied "There's nothing wrong with that." when I told him that I was a Lady Gaga whore. I respect him, haha.]

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