
Thoughts, a diary... things I don't think people read anymore. (Which is good for me.)

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Haphazard phase 1.

Yes, good sir and/or madam, if you are reading this then you are reading a sub-branch lovechild of peer-pressure and feeble-minded curiosity. Ah yes, big words to make me sound somewhat intelligent, whereas all they do is confuse me, prompt me to check due to spelling misshaps (did you catch it?), or just make me sound like a freakin' smart ass. I'm not that creative, I promise you, and sounding smart is not my intention at all.

(Wow so I'm new to this blogging crap and I just added a picture to this post.)

*ahhh the picture is over there to your left*

Yeah so I made this because my friend made one a few hours ago, and told me I should. I let the thought marinate a little while...then it started to saturate, so I said "To hell with it!" and made one anyway. Hey, I have the time. It's not like I have school tomorrow...

So the title of this blog -"When I have nothing else to say, I say "ok!!"- is the conception that, when I have someone talking to me and they lose me at some point in time, or I just have no more further comments, I just say "ok!!". Double the exclamatory. Double the action. Double the Little Tortilla Boy (that sounds very pedo-odd, so I scratch that last sentence). I dunno. Roll with me, it takes some time getting used to me. It takes me a hella long time to get used to myself. I'm also an avid user of slang, so if ya don't like meh lingo then gtfo.

Anyway, this post is pretty damn haphazard since I'm a n00b to this blogging shiznit. I'm pretty sure we've gone over that. I should have some new stuff up here later on when I can let my thoughts collect, but I'm a total lazy-ass and I might fuggetaboutit (forget about it).

So I'm bored now and this was pretty much just an intro page, out for my literary genius. It will sneak up on you and you will be amazed.

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